I am improving my pronunciation very fast with this app. Fantastic job. There is only a little bug when I try to correct a typemismatch in the begining of the word. If the developer need some assistance in this issue I can explain better via email.
The best one!
The very first word Ive searched I couldnt find. The "type" mode is useless!
I liked it... If you want to improve your English, you have to study the English Phonetic.
Now if only theyd fix a couple of annoyances. First, the app always starts in portrait mode even when the screen is locked in landscape mode. Probably, it is easy to fix, and the fact that they havent fixed it probably says something. Second, their "r" sound is misleading, and always requires intervention on my part when students mistakenly think "r" is pronounced "rah". Leaves me wonderah-ing if the app will one day be rah-edy fo-rah use in class. Until then I recommend giving the app a pass. If I could give it a rah-ating of ze-rah-o, I would. Again, this is probably easy to fix, and the fact that the developers cant be bothered shows a certain lack of respect for their customers.
An awesome app... Great for students studying phonetics
Hi! This application is awesome to learn English sound. Good quality sounds and fun and easy to learn. But two improvements will be fine to raise more my level of satisfaction. Im a French Canadian learning Canadian English. The Canadian English language is not American or British language, but a mix of both. I find that unfortunate we have never nobody to make an application with sound pronunciations and vocabularies for our country. I know that implies more money to make that, but you will find new customers. The second improvement is about your vocabulary databases. Why we arent not able to tag words in your databases as favorite and able to review and practice later with their sound in a new list. I have to write down on a paper the words that I have to practice and search again inside database to play the sound. Its not useful. The application will be more complete with this feature. In average its a very good application of high quality. Best regards Sylvain Soucis, BC, Canada
Good for both teachers and students!
I like this app, I can see from the video that it is well put together. But, having said that, I am looking for an app. that when you are reading, and you come across a word, and are having trouble with the pronunciation of it. You could type it in and hear the proper way of saying it. Thank you.
I did not read it all and took the time to explore it all, but this is an absolute essential for those who really want to learn how to pronounce words in UK English or American English correctly. One thing seems to be missing and this is the rules that allow to think of how to pronounce or write some specific words though. This is not a reproach at all. Such a tool should have been done much before!
It works very well for me and it will work for you surely.
Good to practice pronounciation!! Love it!! i think if the app explained how to move tongue and lips about each phonetic symbols, it could be better. And If it judged whether your pronounciation was fine or not WITH SIRI, that would be great. Please consider about them. Thank you from Japan!!
When I installed iOS 7.0.3 to my iPad mini, I could not type on the screen.
It would be better with printable guides.
This is what Im looking for learn correct pronounciation .
I can learn correct pronunciation from this app. Thank you. I need a this kind of app for kids.
I want to buy new wordlists. Although I repeatedly tried to buy it, I couldnt. Why cant I buy it? I wish it will be fixed as soon as possible!
I feel my improvement a lot. The phonic input hi has bug in iPhone.
iPad pro (9.7inch)+iOS 9.3.5で使用しています。良いアプリだと思うのですが、マイクの感度が悪いため、自分の発音を録音するときに比較的大きな声で発音しなければなりません。夜等、静かに勉強したい時に不便です。マイクの感度を調節する機能があればと思います。